Online Quotations
and estimates

Send professional estimates online with your logo, and offer your customers to accept them with one click.
Focus on growing your business: manage invoiceshandle estimatescontrol expensescare your Customersget paid fasterbe smart ...... because it's your time

Whether you are a freelancer, entrepreneur or small business, with Appinvoice you can create detailed estimates. Send your estimates online to your customers and keep them informed with automated expiration notices. After an estimate is accepted you can convert it into an invoice with just a click.

Let them accept it online

Once you have created a estimate, you can send it to your customer with the option to accept it online with just one click. You can check the status of your estimates online at any time because they will be automatically updated.

Estimate status

Appinvoice manages your customer's estimates for you. With Appinvoice's different colored status tags it is easy to track the status of your estimates. Or you can also see which estimates have been sent to the customer and what the acceptance status is.

Online invoices

Easy converting into invoice

Save yourself the time to create an invoice after an estimate has been accepted. Once an estimate has been accepted, you can easily convert it into an invoice with just one click. Comments and remarks on this estimate can also be adopted after converting.

Expiration reminders

If a estimate has not yet been accepted, you can let your customer know when the estimate expires. In this way, you can ensure that your customers accept the quote on time.