Time tracking

Thousands of companies around the world use time tracking to easily track working hours and create accurate timesheets for productivity, invoicing, customer billing, payroll and more!

Simply track your time on-the-fly with the click of a button or add time entries manually. Appinvoice time tracking gives you the right tools to make sure your timesheets are always complete. Boost your productivity and get your work done.

Manage your tasks

Our time tracking lets you save your tasks for reuse. Track time you spend working on activities, see exactly where the time goes, and improve your productivity.

Set time budgets

Boost your productivity and make sure that you are on the right track. Track time on projects so you can see how much time projects really take and see if you charge enough.

Online invoices

Manually or in real-time

Simply track your time on-the-fly with the click of a button or add time entries manually. Appinvoice gives you the right tool. See what everybody in your team is up to at any given moment. Stop interrupting them to ask what they’re currently working on.

Invoice your customers promptly

In order to be paid on time, Appinvoice gives you the possibility to invoice your time in one step. Setting the billable rates is simple and easy. You can bill them to the minute or bill every started hour as a whole.