Record a new expense

To record a new expense click in the menu Expenses->Record expense to open the expense form.

Creating a new expense

Record expense form

Expense name: Enter a name for the expense.

Number: Enter the original receipt number from the expense.

Date: The date of expense.

Merchant: The merchant of the expense

Tax (VAT): The tax in percent

Tax Amount: The tax amount

Total Amount: Enter the expense amount.

Currency: Currency of the expense

Category: Category to record the expense

Comment: Write a comment to the expense if necessary

Billable: Select the Billable check box, if you would be converting/adding this expense to an invoice.

Reimburse: Select if the expense is reimbursable

Receipt: You can also make an image of the expense receipt and upload it to Appinvoice. Click on the Attach receipt option inside an expense to do this. The receipt acts as a validation of the expense incurred. You can edit and delete an uploaded image.